Welcome to the HHF Guardian Information Page.

You will find useful information for your upcoming flight to Washington D.C.

My veteran and I both have been approved for the next flight!  I need to:

  • Pay for the flight
  • Get information about Pre-Flight Prep
  • Get Orientation Meeting Information
  • Get flight day information
  • Get Reunion information
  • Find out who my Flight Liaison is
  • Submit an application


Guardian Fares:

$900-Civilian-No prior military service

$600-Current/Former Military Service(submit DD214 to your flight liaison)

Guardian Fare

$ 900 USD

Guardian Fare for those with no current or prior military service.

Guardian Fare

$ 600 USD

Guardian Fare for those who are or have served in the US Military or Reserves.(DD214 required)

Mandatory Pre-Flight Orientation Meeting

We will mail letters to veterans, and e-mails to guardians approximately two weeks prior to the Pre-Flight meeting.  It will include a map, address, and other important details about the meeting.  

A few reminders:

  • All passengers MUST attend this meeting; anyone unable to attend will be rescheduled to a future flight.
  • Please bring your photo identification to the meeting
  • In general, the meeting is held during the week, between 5-7 p.m.  
  • There is no meal service, so please plan accordingly.  
  • There is limited, and reserved seating, so large family groups are discouraged.  Spouses and individual family members of veterans can be accommodated in the open seating area.  

Flight Day


We depart KCI Airport via a chartered flight between 4-6 a.m. We ask that you arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure.  Please be sure you have your state driver’s license or another form of government issued photo identification

We return to KCI  at approximately 8-8:30 p.m.

Encourage your friends and family to join us in providing the welcome home that our WWII, Korean, AND Vietnam Veterans never received.  It is LONG OVERDUE.  

All veterans and guardians are responsible for getting themselves to and from the airport. Please call  your flight liaison if you have any questions or concerns.

Dress Code:

Please dress comfortably, but respectably as we will visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.  We ask that all passengers avoid jeans or shorts on this very special day.  

Dress Code For Public Wreath Ceremonies

Personal appearance and dress of persons participating in ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier will adhere to the dress standards expected of such dignified occasions. The minimum standard is business casual, defined as:

  • For men: A combination of collared shirt (such as a dress shirt or polo shirt), trousers (such as khakis or blue, green, brown, or black trousers) with a belt and appropriate shoes. A blazer or business jacket and tie can optionally be added.
  • For women: A reasonable length skirt (knee length) or trousers of a non-denim material combined with a top that covers the shoulders (such as a blouse, dress shirt, or sweater set) and appropriate shoes are considered acceptable. An informal dress with appropriate skirt length is also acceptable.
  • School uniforms will be allowed as long as an adult official from the school confirms that the student’s attire is in accordance with the school uniform policy.

The following attire is considered not appropriate for participation in the ceremonies:

  • Blue Jeans / Denim Pants
  • Ripped clothing
  • Athletic Wear
  • Patched Pants
  • Shorts of any kind (except when part of an established uniform, e.g. School Uniforms, Scout Uniforms, Foreign Military Uniforms, and period Military Uniforms)
  • Tee Shirts
  • Tank Tops
  • Halter Tops
  • Underwear as outerwear
  • Shirts that expose the midriff
  • Miniskirts
  • Sneakers
  • Open toed shoes (nice sandals [not shower type shoes or flip-flops] during warmer months for women is appropriate)

The Executive Director, Army National Cemeteries Program, or designated representatives; the Sergeant of the Guard; and Relief Commanders have the authority to prohibit a person in non appropriate attire from participating in a wreath ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Meals, snacks, Water

We will provide all meals, snacks and bottled water for the entire day.  If you or your veteran has special dietary needs, please discuss this with your Flight Liaison before flight day.

Comfort, Health & Hygiene

Please wear comfortable shoes.  It is a long 15 hour day.

Dress in layers; weather conditions change quickly and can be unpredictable.  

Review this information with your veteran and his/her family.  

Below is a suggested list of items to bring in a small backpack.  They are items that will come in handy, and make the day far more comfortable for your cherished veteran:

  • umbrella (Arlington gets VERY hot most days; this is very handy for instant shade)
  • dietary-specific snacks
  • bandaids
  • tissues
  • hand sanitizer
  • wet-wipes
  • sunscreen
  • aspirin/Ibuprofen
  • Tums/Gas-X
  • specific meds and/or incontinence products
  • emergency contact information for veterans


Doors open at 5:00 p.m., Social Hour 5-6 p.m.  Program begins at 6 p.m.

Join us at our open-house flight reunion:

  • All vets and guardians receive the complimentary, commemorative, two-disc DVD/ CD of THEIR trip. 
  • Come socialize, visit, and enjoy the evening sharing memories of your special day in Washington. 
  • Social hour, an appearance by the KC Bettys, various guest speakers, and highlights from the trip will be included.
  • Please do not arrive prior to 5 p.m., as there are other events in this facility. 
  • This is a snack reception only; guests should consider dinner plans either before or after the event.

Invitations will be mailed to all veterans; guardians will receive an invitation via e-mail.  The invitation will contain the address, map, and date of the reunion.  If you have questions, please contact your flight liaison.  

Flight Liaison Information Request

If you need the name and/or contact information for your Flight Liaison, please complete the form below. If you or your veteran needs to cancel or reschedule your flight, please contact your Flight Liaison. If you have additional questions, or your veteran's health status has changed, please contact your Flight Liaison.

On-line Guardian Application

Complete the guardian application here:

On-line Guardian Application

We've gone green!  All volunteer and guardian applications must be completed on line.  If you need assistance please contact your Flight Liaison for help.